In früheren Zeiten war es der Torwächter, der die Schlüssel zum Haus verwahrte. Er begrüßte Gäste bei der Ankunft und kümmert sich um ihre Bedürfnisse. Im 12. Jahrhundert nannte man ihn schon den "Concierge" und er war ein wichtiges Mitglied des herrschaftlichen Haushaltes durch Jahrhunderte. Damals wie heute war ihre Aufgabe, Gästen den Aufenthalt so angenehm wie möglich zu machen. Die Schlösser und Paläste von heute sind die großen Hotels,und der Concierge setzt seine lange Tradition fort. 1929 gebar der legendäre Pariser Concierge Ferdinand Gillet die Idee einer weltumspannenden Organisation von Berufskollegen und gründete den Verband Les Clefs d'Or. Im Laufe der Jahre wuchs die Vereinigung und umfasst heute 35 Länder mit 3500 Mitgliedern auf der ganzen Welt. Die Idee des globalen Netzwerkes verkörpert das Motto In Service through Friendship. Als junge KollegInnen versuchen wir die lange Tradition der Gastlichkeit zu vermitteln, und der Verantwortung, die mit dem Tragen der goldenen Schlüssel verbunden ist, gerecht zu werden. Unsere Aufgabe ist es, den Aufenthalt unserer Gäste so angenehm als möglich zu gestalten. ________________________________________
UNION INTERNATIONALE LES CLEFS D'OR "The only limit to a concierge's abilities is your imagination" Union Internationale des Concierges d'Hotel "Les Clefs d'Or" is an international association of Concierges. Registered at 12, rue Cambon, 75001 Paris, France. The society formed in 1952 by initiative of the "founding father" Mr Ferdinand Gillet of France, was composed of delegates from France, Germany, England, Belgium, Denmark, Ireland, Italy and Switzerland. Today the society is established, through national sections, worldwide with 36 member countries. The members are selectod according to strict criteria of professionalism and dedication to top quality service. By the auspices of the founders, the association set out to serve as a unifying link between the various national sections in order to develop friendship and solidarity among the concierges. This ideal is endowed in the society motto "service through friendship". Another ideal of the U.I.C.H is to facilitate the travel of its hotel clientele and thereby to work for the development of the hotel trade and tourism in General. The society encourages active communication between its members by arranging international meetings and by distributing member publications. Union Internationale les Clefs d'Or A long history of hospitality... In the ancient world it was the gatekeeper who held the keys to the house. He greeted guests as they arrived and attended to their needs. In the 12th century the "concierges" appeared in the castles and palaces of Europe where they remained important members of the household staff for centuries to come. Then as now, their duties were to welcome and assist the guests throughout their stay. Today's castles and palaces are of course luxury hotels, and the concierges continue their ancient traditions. In 1929 the legendary parisian concierge, Ferdinand Gillet, envisioned a multinational network of concierges when he founded Les Clefs d'Or. Through the years this organization has spread to over 30 nations and comprises more than 3000 members worldwide. The spirit of this global network is embodied in our credo: In Service through Friendship. As new concierges enter the profession they are made aware of this long tradition of hospitality, and the responsibility that wearing the golden keys brings with it. We are commited to providing our guests with memorable and successful travel experiences. ________________________________________
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